CTA Wheel Cleaner
Chemical Tyre Applicator’s (CTA) to improve efficiency and keep the cars moving
Low level sprays aimed at the wheels and sills to break down road grime, brake dust and mud. CTA’s can improve throughput by being set to clean most vehicles, leaving prepping for those that are truly dirty.
Our Specialised cleaners are also designed to break down the black brake dust that accumulates on wheels. Depending on your customer base and requirements, we have a range of solutions to reduce the need for prepping every vehicle so you can keep your conveyor moving at its optimum pace. With a consistent standard, you can train your entry staff to be more selective about which cars require prepping and which don’t.
Velocity Products

Blue Coral 1 Step Wheel Cleaner 2×2.5 Gal (18.9L)
Highly concentrated, foaming alkaline liquid designed for on-line wheel cleaning in automatic car washes. Features & Benefits Aggressively cleans asphalt oils, road film, brake dust,…

Blue Coral 1 Step Wheel Cleaner Red 15 Gal (57L)
Highly concentrated, foaming alkaline liquid designed for on-line wheel cleaning in automatic car washes. Features & Benefits Aggressively cleans asphalt oils, road film, brake dust,…

Blue Coral Heavy Duty Alkaline Presoak 2×2.5 Gal (18.9L)
Introducing Heavy Duty Alkaline Presoak, the cutting-edge solution setting new standards in Touch Free automatic car wash. Features & Benefits Engineered for unparalleled performance Tackles…

Blue Coral Hi pH 3400 HW 4×1 Gal (15.2L)
Highly concentrated, high foaming alkaline liquid designed for use at sites having hard water. Features & Benefits Aggressively cleans asphalt oils, road film, brake dust,…

Blue Coral HI PH 3688 15LT
Highly concentrated foaming alkaline liquid used as a high pH presoak. Can be used for In-Bay as alkaline presoak or in tunnel operations as first…

Blue Coral HI PH 3692 15LT
Patented, concentrated liquid alkaline detergent. This fast-acting detergent is effective as a single step and two-step HPA detergent as well as a 2nd step alkaline…