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Supercharge your
bottom line

Get off the hamster wheel

Ever feel like you got into business just to help your supplier get rich? Keeping your prices low to wash more cars will make your soap supplier rich and wear out your equipment, but it’s unlikely to help you reach your financial goals.

We use our Rockstar brands and marketing know-how to help you increase your average ticket price, improve your profits and get the return you deserve on your investment.

“Rebranding with Velocity Vehicle Care has helped increase our top wash package price by 22% and our average ticket price by 20%. Sam, the Sultan of Shine, and the team are always looking for ways to improve our business. The ongoing onsite support is a huge advantage over their competitors.”

Jon Roberts, Extreme Clean Car Wash
(Pakenham, VIC)

“Our partnership with Velocity has seen us delivering clean, shiny cars from the day we opened. They provide quality products and have a dedicated team that goes the extra mile to understand our specific needs and manage our cost per car”

Paul Sideris, Soak Car Wash
(Craigieburn, Victoria)